Welcome to the online portal for Whitmack National Park.
Ranger Ronald
Regional Director, California River Basin
This is a resource hub for authorized employees of Whitmack National Park. Linked above tou can find a notice board with information on park events and advisories, a news bulletin featuring updates from our very own region 10 along with regions 9 (Colmbua Pacific Northwest), 8 (Lower Colorado River Basin), and 7 (Upper Colorado River Basin) along with national news directly from the park service and interior department. Finally there is a directory listing all current park employees and their work contacts.
In this new year, 1992, we are looking forawrd to maintaining our reputation as one of America's finest national parks, and it should go with out saying that the participation of each and every one of you is integral in achieving this task. Your contributions are always valued.
"It is not what we have that will make us a great nation; it is the way in which we use it."
-Theodore Roosevelt